Our philosophy is focused on helping our athletes become physically, emotionally, and mentally aware of their bodies and surroundings. We aim to cultivate young athletes into positive, energetic, well-informed individuals who can think critically and problem-solve.  Skills learned through swimming, such as toughness, grit, self analysis, humility and an unflinching confidence in their ability to succeed, is what will help them develop a great sense of character and a strong work ethic. Our training philosophy strives to promote these skills through our 7 core values:


Fun, Passion, and Love of Swimming - In order to stay in competitive swimming, an individual must love the sport, truly want to improve, and be willing to make sacrifices in order to attain their goals. We make thoughtful, well organized, exciting, and fun workouts so that our swimmers look forward to coming to work out.


Knowledge and Logic Based Learning - We believe in educating our swimmers, coaches, and parents.  We want our athletes to think while they swim.  First, swimmers must understand the what, why, when, and hows of generating the most efficient propulsion.  We want our athletes to learn how to self-correct and make all the necessary adjustments to their strokes during workouts and competitions. 


Communication Coaches, parents, and swimmers need to have open lines of communication.  Coaches must effectively communicate to parents and swimmers their expectations, the swimmer’s progress, and opportunities to improve. Parents must effectively communicate to coaches what their goals and expectations are for their children and provide any pertinent information that may have an impact on their children’s training.  Athletes must effectively communicate their goals to their coaches and parents.  


Body Awareness and Body Position - Swimmers must gain a sense of body awareness and must learn how to have a relaxed sense of control over every muscle in their body.


Consistency - Swimmers must be consistent in training session attendance, effort, and in proper technical execution of the strokes.  


Technique and Propulsion Comprehension - Swimmers must be diligent in their execution of proper technique. They must be able to understand, visualize, feel, and consistently execute correct technique throughout the entire practice.


Competition - Competition is inherent in the sport and necessary for improvement.  We want our swimmers to have a healthy attitude towards competing.  Workouts will have a strong racing component to help our swimmers develop their racing skills.